Estos esmaltes tienen excelente fórmula, muy fácil de aplicar. Posiblemente lo único que le restaría puntos es que en algunos hay que aplicar hasta 3 capas para que cubra completamente, y los que tienen shimmer no se percibe muy bien en la uña, pero como los colores son hermosos, lo dejo pasar.
Esta marca es vegana, exclusiva de Whole Foods Market, un supermercado que se dedica a vender solo comida y productos orgánicos y veganos, así que estos esmaltes están libres de materiales tóxicos.
Quedé muy contenta con la marca, definitivamente compraría más esmaltes de esta marca.
This is the first time I buy nail polish from this brand, the formula is excellent, very easy to apply, no problems at all; probably, the only 2 negative things are: some of them need 3 coats to be opaque and the shimmer on some of them won't transfer to the nail, is almost unnoticeable, but hey, the colors are stunning, so I let those things pass 😏.
This is a vegan brand and is a Whole Foods Market exclusive, a supermarket that sales only organic and vegan products, so this polishes are free from toxic materials.
Overall I was very pleased with these polishes and I would definitely buy more from this brand.
He aquí los colores de esta colección (click en las fotos para agrandarlas):
But here are the colors from this collection (Click on the photos to enlarge):
Gilded Rose (2 Capas - 2 Coats)
Flash photos
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Natural light
Sprinkle (2 Capas sobre Gilded Rose - 2 Coats over Gilded Rose)
Flash photos
Natural Light
Snowflake (2 Capas sobre Cashmere - 2 Coats over Cashmere)
Flash photos
Natural Light
By itself
Cashmere (2 Capas - 2 Coats)
Flash photos
Natural Light
Whisper (2 Capas - 2 Coats)
Flash Photos
Natural Light
Golden Sand (2 Capas - 2 Coats)
Flash Photos
Natural Light
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